Sunday, November 30, 2008

Welcome to December!!

Welcome to December!!

'Tis the season!! Can't believe it's already here. I still have last year's christmas fresh in my mind! It was around that time that we had found out my wife was expecting. Obviously something I'll never really forget. My sister-in-law Nelly was here last year and will be here again this year. Jonah is excited to meet his Aunt Nelly for the first time!

Christmas, what are my favourite memories... hmm... Well, Aunty Tammy giving my brother Matt a pair of yellow smiley face underwear. To say the least, Matt was not impressed at first. But they must of been really comfy because he wore that pair plenty in the following years!

Again, last year will always stand out, and my first christmas with Lieneke and her family. I spent the most part of 2 weeks at their home. My father-in-law got me pretty good while opening gifts. When one person opens a gift, they grab one for another person, and they open it, and so on. My father-in-law opened his, and then grabbed a gift and walked around and said "this one is for...." (while saying this, starting to hand it to me, so obivously I reach out to recieve it.) he turns around "this is for Jaap." I think my face turned beat red, but it sure was funny!

Opening presents after 5am hockey while watching saturday cartoons is also a fond memory. And of course the Lego! Lots and lots of Lego!! The Castles, Forts, Pirate ships, police cars, space ships.. the list goes on!! My wife shares the same memories on lego, so its fun to remminice about it.

One last story before I leave. The year of the N64! Myself and two brothers were so excited to open presents, because we were certain that it was an N64, we just couldn't wait! Mom, Dad, you really let us down! A remote control race track... who the, what the... how the??? WHAT!!!! We can hardly contain our excitement!! (note the sarcasm)

Well, 3 days later the race track was busted.. (accident?? guess we'll never know) So mom and dad feel bad, and eventually head out to buy our much anticipated gaming system!

Oh, and then there was the time Me and James tried to open our gifts before we supposed to, and tried to tape it back up. Mom found out, told us we weren't getting our gift, and it was just to bad. If only mom stuck to her word. It was NHL 2003 for our new PS2.... Thanks Mom!!


Rosa said...

Well Tim,your mom found every Christmas present Oma and Grandpa ever hid and managed to peek at at least a few of those.
Looks like you guys are just following in her footsteps! lol

Nelly Wullschy said...

you left that out in a very subtle way, tim. that you and lieneke are looking forward to seeing me. but that's okay, i'm really only coming to see jonah too.:D

Timmy said...

It's weird how we are so much like mom... but she always finds a way to blame in Oma...

Like, I was a terrible child from age 13 - 16... its all oma's fault! LOL

Tamara Jansen said...

Hey, where are all the old christmas photos that should accompany this trip down memory lane? I'd love to see those :)